Locations & Times

Kids - Ready For Launch

Nehemiah Helps the Less Fortunate - Week 2

September 12, 2021 |

God took the initiative by sending Jesus to show us how much he loves us and fix the relationship between us.

When we see a need and choose to do something about it, we reflect God’s image in us. Through our initiative, others can see the reality of God’s love for them.

Friend around the world: God behind bars -  https://godbehindbars.com/
email your questions, photos and videos to Brenna and Dillon:

Bible verse

weekly cues - activities at home!



  1. What was your favorite part of the lesson today? (Discuss)
  2. What did Nehemiah choose to do? (Help people who needed help.)
  3. Why is it important to help people? (If we follow God, we are meant to share the awesome love we found by helping other people.)
  4. Is there someone you know that you can do something for? Ask an adult in your family to help you come up with ideas to serve this person. (Maybe your neighbor is old and has a hard time picking weeds, maybe your mom is tired and needs you to entertain your sibling while she takes a nap, maybe your friend is sick and you could bring them food, etc.)
  5. Why is it good to take initiative? (It helps us be more like God, which leads to a better life, and gets important things done.)


35 Day Challenge for Kids!



Q. Why is initiative important?

A. It gets things done and shows good character

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