Locations & Times



Groups Launch

We are taking a break from groups until we re-launch in September! If you want to join a group, have you considered hosting a group and leading one? 


You have what it takes

Groups are one of the primary ways we create community and make this big church feel small. But that doesn't happen if we don't have group leaders, and we know you have what it takes. Group leaders are people who agree with what we teach here at Flatirons, can commit to leading for a 12-week semester, and can provide a place to host. That's it! Interested? Just fill out our ">GROUP INTEREST FORM


leaders go first

Being a group leader at Flatirons doesn't mean you have to figure out everything on your own. From providing group discussion questions to giving you ideas on to break the ice for people who are new to your group - we've got you every step of the way. Check out our leader resources and reach out to your campus groups director if you have any questions along the way!

Leader Resources