Locations & Times


In the spring of 2012, Flatirons entered into a partnership with Life in Abundance International (LIA), focusing on their work in South Sudan. LIA works in several East African countries, Haiti and Jamaica. In each location they work with the local churches to equip them to meet the needs they see in their own communities. In South Sudan, there are critical needs related to the ending of civil war and becoming a new nation. The communities in which LIA works are remote and have very little, if any, infrastructure, limiting our ability for direct involvement. Though the situation in South Sudan is difficult, LIA is seeing churches come together to make real changes in their communities, including improving healthcare, education, food security and much more.

Mailing Address

211 Townepark Circle Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40243






  • Sign up to become a prayer partner at  https://lifeinabundance.org/get-involved
  • Post updates somewhere you will be reminded to pray (near dinner table, office, etc.)
  • Set a recurring calendar appointment as a reminder to pray regularly for LIA
  • Learn more about LIA's model and read stories of God using the church to transform communities at https://lifeinabundance.org/
  • Follow LIA on social media
  • Read LIA stories and pick out a specific locations, people and projects to pray for consistently at https://lifeinabundance.org/our-stories/


  • Give a one-time or recurring financial gift: https://lifeinabundance.org/get-involved/donate
  • Support short term participants financially, prayerfully and tangibly (rides to/from airport, supplies the team needs, etc.)
  • Apply to be part of LIA’s Summer Internship program or support someone to do so at https://lifeinabundance.org/get-involved/intern/
  • Raise awareness with your friends, family, neighbors or co-workers about the incredible things God is doing through Life in Abundance. Advocate, share stories and encourage others to get involved!