Locations & Times

Kids - God Started It

Creation: Days 1-6 - Week 1

May 8-9, 2021 |

“Professional Scientitions” Dr. Cray and Dr. Shawn, with the help of Grandma, help kids discover the “secrets of the universe,” and see that God made all things; not one thing was made without him. Kids will see how God created things, what his favorite creation is, what it means that he rested one day, and that God had a plan to fix our mistakes.

Friend around the world: God behind bars - http://www.godbehindbars.com
email your questions, story activities, photos and videos to Brenna and Dillon:

Bible verse


Story activity - SMALL GROUPS @ HOME!



  1. What existed before God made anything? (nothing, darkness, his spirit hovered over the water)
  2. How did God start it all? What did he do? (He spoke!)
  3. God created so many cool things. What was your favorite thing God made from what you saw today? (Take a response from each kid.)
  4. What did God see in everything he made? (God saw that it was good.)
  5. If you could create anything on earth, what would it be? (Take ideas.)


Q. What are some things God created?
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