Locations & Times

Kids - Construction Zone

Daniel and the Lions - Week 5

August 29, 2021 |

This month’s theme is Construction Zone, which includes the incredible machines you see at a construction site. They are pretty powerful. But, we have Someone even more impressive, more powerful to talk about this month. GOD! We can’t wait to teach our preschoolers that God is powerful!

Friend around the world: Musana - https://musana.org/
email your questions, photos, and videos to Brenna and Dillon:

Bible verse

Weekly Cues FOR KIDS AND Adults!


  1. What was your favorite part of the story? (Discuss)
  2. What did Daniel? (Got thrown in a lion’s din)
  3. What did God do? (Saved Daniel from the lions)
  4. Who is powerful? (God)


Q. Who is powerful?

A. God

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