Locations & Times

Kids - God Made Everything

God Made People and Rested - Week 4

June 6-7, 2020 |

Thurman the cat takes a trip to the critter sitter, meets new friends, and learns all about God’s creation. This fun, four-part video series shows preschoolers that God made everything.



“God made everything,” Acts 17:24.

Story activity

Our buddy Thurman is learning about all the cool things God made. Gather all the people you love, friends and family, and go through this activity sheet to remember how God made everything.

It's time to show off your art skills! Print off the following picture, make sure you have enough copies for all your friends and family. Grab colored pencils, markers and anything else to draw yourself in this picture. Make sure to put your name at the top to remember that God made you!


What is God’s best creation? (people)
People can do lots of things. What’s your favorite thing to do? (Take kids' responses.)
Who made everything? (God)


Q. What was God's best creation?

A. People

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