Locations & Times

Kids - God Said It

God Speaks to Joseph Part 1 - Week 3

July 18-19, 2020 |

Preschoolers will hear four stories from the Old Testament about how God spoke to people through promises and dreams. Kids will learn that if God said it, it came true.



“Every word of God is true,” Proverbs 30:5a.

Story activity

Joseph lived many years in Egypt, so let's see if we can find him in amongst the Nile River and pyramids! Print the "Find Joseph" game below. Cut all the squares out and turn them over. Take turns seeing who can find Joseph. 


Did God keep his promise to make Joseph a great leader? (Yes.)

Did God keep his promise to give Abraham and Sarah a big family? (Yes.)

Did God keep his promise to keep Noah safe and dry in the ark? (Yes)

Does God always keep his promises? (Yes. Every word of God is true.)


Q. What did Joseph's father give him to wear?

A. A colorful coat

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