Locations & Times

Into the Unknown - Week 1

May 9-10, 2020 | By Student Ministry

Joshua is named the next leader of the Israelites after Moses, he will have to lead them across the Jordan River into the Promised Land. God tells Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. It seems like God understands how scary and daunting the task ahead of him is. How did Joshua find courage in the face of fear, what did he know that enabled him to be strong and courageous? Find out this week!


  1. What about your life right now feels unknown? How does that make you feel? 
  2. How do you normally respond to fear? 
  3. Put yourself in Joshua’s shoes, how would you feel if you had to take over for Moses? What doubts and insecurities might that bring up?
  4. Read Joshua 1:9. Why does God tell Joshua not to be afraid?
  5. Do you believe God is with you wherever you go? Why or why not?


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