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Kids - Look Like Jesus

Jesus LOOKS at Zacchaeus with Love - Elementary

Watch Party Week 1 |

Real-life scenarios, and stories of Jesus seeing people with love, will show kids how to LOOK likeJesus. This four-week video series plays out what can happen when we try to see people through the eyes of Jesus. It’s the only way we can love everyone, no matter what!



"My command is this: love each other as I have loved you," John 15:12


  1. How did the situation at the skate park change when someone LOOKed like Jesus?(Discuss.)
  2. The mean girl at the skate park was kind of like the mean guy in our Bible story. What was his name?(Zacchaeus.)
  3. Why didn’t people like Zacchaeus?(He was mean and stole money.)
  4. What did Jesus do when he saw Zacchaeus, and how did Zacchaeus change?(He asked him to hang out. Zacchaeus’ heart changed. He gave back the money he had taken plus more.)
  5. Have you ever felt like no one likes you? How does that make you feel?(Discuss.)6.When are times we can be nice to others, even if they’re kind of hard to love?(Discuss.)


Q. What does it mean to LOOK like Jesus?
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