Locations & Times

Kids - Promise Keeper

Moses and the Burning Bush - Week 2

August 8-9, 2020 |

In this four-part series on the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, elementary kids see accounts of God keeping his promise to not only rescue his people, but also bless the whole world. Epic stories of Moses and his Israelite people parallel the good news that God sent Jesus to save and invite everyone into his family. God is the ultimate promise keeper! 

Sozo international: https://www.sozointernational.org/

Worship is now in the series video!


"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him," Romans 8:28

Story activity

When God appeared to Moses as the burning bush, God told Moses to return to Egypt to free the Israelites. Moses followed what God commanded! Now it's your turn. Gather your friends and family for a game of Simon Says. Get creative with your commands, like "recite Shakespeare, score a touchdown, or say the series Bible verse!"


  1. What mistake did Moses make in Egypt, and what did he do after? (Moses killed an Egyptian man, then ran away to a place called Midian.)
  2. What job did Moses have in Midian? (shepherd)
  3. How did God appear to Moses to tell him what to do about the Israelites? (God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and confirmed his promise to save the Israelite people. He would use Moses to do so.)
  4. When Moses went back to Egypt, even though he was doing powerful signs and wonders, did Pharaoh agree to let all of the Israelites go peacefully? (No. Pharaoh made life even harder for the Israelite slaves.)
  5. Hundreds of years later, who did God send to rescue the world? He was called the “Great Shepherd.” (Jesus.)
  6. How does it make you feel knowing that God keeps all his promises? (Discuss.)



Q. How did God talk to Moses to tell him about his rescue plan?
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