Locations & Times

Kids - Promise Keeper

Moses and the Plagues and Passover - Week 3

August 15-16, 2020 |

In this four-part series on the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, elementary kids see accounts of God keeping his promise to not only rescue his people, but also bless the whole world. Epic stories of Moses and his Israelite people parallel the good news that God sent Jesus to save and invite everyone into his family. God is the ultimate promise keeper! 

Sozo international: https://www.sozointernational.org/

Worship is now in the series video!


"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him," Romans 8:28

Story activity

Moses and the Hebrews did a really hard but good thing: they followed God's word. To remember how the Hebrews followed God through good and bad times, play follow the leader! Gather your friends and family and take turns following and leading through whatever activities or motions you like!


  1. When Pharaoh didn’t let God’s people go, what did God do? (God sent plagues.)
  2. What were the plagues God sent? (Turned the Nile River to blood, frogs, gnats/lice, flies, animals got sick and died, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, the Egyptian’s oldest sons died.)
  3. If you were living in Egypt, which plague would you dislike the most? (Discuss.)
  4. The last plague was really sad but God gave a way out. Can someone explain the Passover? (If families painted their doorposts with the blood of a lamb, the final plague would pass over their house.)
  5. Who sacrificed themselves hundreds of years later so the whole world could be saved? (God’s son Jesus.)
  6. What is communion and why do we practice it? (Communion is eating bread and drinking wine/juice to remember the sacrifice of Jesus’ body and blood to rescue us all.)


Q. Why do we take communion?
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