Locations & Times

Kids - Promise Keeper

Moses and the Red Sea at Mt. Sinai - Week 4

August 22-23, 2020 |

In this four-part series on the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, elementary kids see accounts of God keeping his promise to not only rescue his people, but also bless the whole world. Epic stories of Moses and his Israelite people parallel the good news that God sent Jesus to save and invite everyone into his family. God is the ultimate promise keeper! 

Sozo international: https://www.sozointernational.org/

Worship is now in the series video!


"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him," Romans 8:28

Story activity


It's incredibly important that we memorize Bible verses. It helps us to know how to lead a great life with God! So ask an adult to print off the following Bible verse or write it out like the picture below. Then memorize the verse by cutting it out and putting it back in order. 


  1. What were some of the ways God rescued his people? (Plagues, crossing Red Sea, providing food and water in desert.)
  2. What did Moses have to do to get water out of the rock the first time, and what happened? (He had to hit it and God sent water gushing out.)
  3. What did Moses have to do to get water out of the rock the next time? (Moses was only supposed to speak, but he disobeyed God and hit the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out of it, but Moses was in trouble.)
  4. Why do you think Moses disobeyed God? Do you think he might have forgot that God would keep his promise to save them? (Discuss.)
  5. I do that sometimes, too. I take matters into my own hands when I should really just trust God. How about we make sure we have our Bible verse memorized so we always remember that God is a perfect promise keeper? Does anyone know it by heart yet? (If a kid knows it, let them say it. If not, read it out loud from below.)


Q. What is this month's Bible verse?
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