Locations & Times

Kids - Ready For Launch

Nehemiah Plans to Rebuild The Wall - Week 1

September 5, 2021 |

God took the initiative by sending Jesus to show us how much he loves us and fix the relationship between us. When we see a need and choose to do something about it, we reflect God’s image in us. Through our initiative, others can see the reality of God’s love for them.

Friend around the world: God Behind Bars - https://godbehindbars.com/
email your questions, photos and videos to Brenna and Dillon:

Bible verse

weekly cues - activities at home!





  1. What is initiative? (Seeing something needs to be done and doing it.)
  2. Does initiative feel hard? Why/why not? (Discuss)
  3. How did Nehemiah take initiative? (He listened to God, left his job, and went to go get things done.)
  4. How can God help us take initiative? (He helps with fear and worries and helps us stay focused to get things done.)
  5. Are there any little things you can do to take initiative this week? (Doing chores without being asked, doing a chore you don’t normally do, picking up trash you see in the neighborhood, etc.)


Q. What is initiative?

A. Seeing what needs to be done and doing it. 

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