Locations & Times

Cause of Death

Not So Sudden Death - Week 1

March 14-15, 2020 | By Student Ministry

God is very clear, very early on that all sin leads to death. Though, not all death is sudden or literal. Sin can lead to the death of relationships, death of joy and hope, decay of trust and friendships, and more. This week we challenge students to think about what sin has eroded and damaged in their life.


  1. What is your current understanding of sin?
  2. Read Romans 6:23. What does sin have to do with death?
    • Before Jesus, how did God deal with sin? How does that make you feel?
  3. How does sin effect our relationship with God, self, and others? 
    • What does it mean that “not all death is sudden”
    • What does it mean that “not all death is literal”?
  4. What sin in your life seems small or insignificant, but could lead to big visible damage and decay?
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