Locations & Times

Numbered and Named - Week 1

April 18-19, 2020 | By Student Ministry

We live in a culture of scarcity, which means we never have enough: never enough money, success, popularity, etc. A life with Jesus is marked with abundance—by this overflowing, never lacking sense of enough. We have abundance in Christ. An abundance of grace for when we mess up, an abundance of worth and value that comes from our identity in him, an abundance of strength when we feel weak. A life with Christ means I am more than enough.


  1. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen someone hoard?
  2. What areas of your life are you trying to find satisfaction without Jesus?
  3. How would that area of your life look different if you looked to Jesus to satisfy you instead?
  4. What has Jesus given you an abundance of?
  5. What do you think Philip thought when he saw Jesus feed all of the people?
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