Locations & Times

Kid Principles

People First - Week 4

March 30-31, 2019 |

When a kid is the principal, students get schooled in the “kid principles” of forgiveness, truth, humility, and putting people first. This four-week video series shows kids that if we follow Jesus, and he makes our hearts good inside, then what we say and do on the outside gets good too.


What is treasure in heaven?


“Don't change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect," Romans 12:2.


  1. At the beginning of the video how did Pirate Pete show that he thought his treasure was more important than people? (He blocked the exit with his treasure.)
  2. What did Jesus say would happen to treasure on earth? (It would get rusty, old, broken, dirty or stolen.)
  3. Do you have an example of something that was really fun when you first got it but for some reason lost its fun over time? What happened? (Discuss.)
  4. Jesus said we should save up treasure in heaven instead of on earth. How do we get treasure in heaven? (First, we let Jesus inside to change the way we think. He makes us want the treasure of loving people and being joyful and giving to others.)
  5. Jesus can fill your heart with treasure on the inside and it will soon be on the outside in the way we treat others. How would your life look different if you were trying to store up treasure in heaven? (Discuss.)

Read: Matthew 6:19-21; Mark 10:21; and Luke 12:33-34
What did Jesus really mean when he told people to store up treasure in heaven, not here on earth? You can’t make deposits in heaven, can you?

Lots of people talk about giving money to a church or charity when they discuss these verses from Jesus’ sermon on the mount. And that’s definitely part of what Jesus is saying. Our bank accounts do show pretty clearly what we prioritize and who we love, and here in America we can certainly get preoccupied with making money and acquiring things. But in this series, Kid Principles, we showed kids more about how different it feels to prioritize people over things and how that actually plays out in our actions. The things that we do here on earth shape our souls, and the souls of other people, forever. So, in a way, our actions are deposited as treasures in heaven.

We won’t find our money, houses, cars, or anything else we buy in heaven; but we may find our friends and family, and we will find Jesus. So whatever deposits we make into those relationships will last eternally. People have to come first. Prioritizing God, then people, then everything else can help us check our materialism. It can also help us focus on keeping our hearts open and working on loving God and others.

Jesus says that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. So let’s invest our hearts in eternal treasure.

What is one step you can take to work on a relationship with someone in your life?

What is one step you can take to work on your relationship with God?

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