Locations & Times

Kids - Dig Deep

Rehoboam Listens to Fools - Week 4

August 22, 2021 |

When Jesus was a boy, He grew in wisdom. God wants us to discover wisdom, too. When we make a wise choice, we reflect the character of Jesus to the people around us. That’s why giving kids a strong foundation of wisdom is important. We want to equip them to face down whatever choice they may face in the future.

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email your questions, photos and videos to Brenna and Dillon:

Bible verse

weekly cues - activities at home!



  1. What happened in our story today? (Review and discuss.)
  2. What do wise friends do? (They encourage us to do the right thing, and make wise choices, etc.)
  3. Why is it important to choose to hang out with wise friends? (Because they will help us do what is right even when it is hard.)
  4. Why does God want us to be wise? (Because it will help us be more like him and have a better life.)
  5. What does wisdom mean? (To know what is right and do it.)


Q. What happens when we hang out with wise people?

A. We are encouraged to make wise choices and it is easier to be wise.

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