Locations & Times

Kids - Anything is Possible!

Stopping a Storm - Week 4

January 25 - 26, 2020 |

Fisherman Fin loves to fish. He will introduce kids to four stories of Jesus doing miracles at the Sea of Galilee. Kids will hear how God makes anything possible.



“… with God all things are possible,” Matthew 19:26.


Why were Jesus’ friends scared in the story today? (because of the storm)
What did Jesus do when the storm came? (Slept, then told the storm to stop and it did.)
Who can do anything? (Jesus/God) 


Read: Mark 4:35-41

The geographic location of the Sea of Galilee makes it prone to violent and sudden storms, just like the one that happened in this story. The Bible says that water was coming into the boat and swamping it. Essentially, Jesus and the disciples were going down.

But Jesus was so tired that he was apparently able to sleep through the chaotic storm. This didn’t sit too well with the disciples, who sharply, almost rudely, woke him from sleeping. They accused him of not caring that they were in danger. Clearly, they were still figuring out who Jesus actually was.

But certainly, after watching Jesus stop the raging storm, they got a better idea of his identity and authority over all things. It wasn’t that Jesus didn’t care, it was that he understood something his disciples didn’t yet. Safety, peace, and protection are not dependent on whether or not the storm stops. They are grounded in the God of all creation, and the belief and truth that the one person who holds power over all things also holds us.

Our lives get stormy sometimes. Paul, whose life was especially stormy at times, wrote these words in Colossians. “For by him [Jesus] all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together,” Colossians 1:16-17.

Sometimes Jesus calms the storm. Sometimes he doesn’t, and we just need to hold on and remember to keep our faith in the God who both created storms and has the ability to stop them. We can know that even in the midst of terrifying trouble; rough seas and chaos, Jesus is with us. He has authority over all things, and he holds all things, including us, together.

Where in your life do you wish Jesus would wake up and tell things to be still?

Even if the storm never stops, how will you ride it out? How does this story strengthen your trust?


Q. Who can stop a storm?

A. Jesus 

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