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Bawp and the Easter Story

The Cross - Week 3

April 13-14, 2019 |

In this four-week video series, Bawb dresses up as Bawp the Easter Bunny and discovers the true story of Easter. From the Bible, he learns about the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Preschoolers will learn that God sent Jesus to save the world.


Q. What happened to Jesus in the story today?

A. Jesus died on the cross.


"God sent his son to save the world," John 17:3.



What happened to Jesus in the story today? (He died on the cross.)

Even though he died, did he promise to come back? (yes)

Why did God send Jesus? (God sent Jesus to save the world.)


Read: Matthew 26:36-27:66; Luke 22:39-Luke 23

The story of Jesus’ crucifixion is hard and painful. From Jesus’ desperate prayer in the garden, to Peter’s agonizing denials: from Judas the betrayer’s suicide, to the brutal beating and crucifixion of Jesus, the cries, the jeers, and finally … the silence; we see humanity’s deepest darkness and brokenness.

Hadn’t Jesus said he was God? If he really was who he said he was, why couldn’t he save himself?

But what the people watching Jesus die that day couldn’t yet understand is that the cross was the reason Jesus came. Jesus had to die. He, as our perfect and atoning sacrifice, took every single one of our places on that cross. Only he could do it because only he was God.

Author Russ Ramsey says that “it was Jesus’ presence on the cross, not his ability to come down from it, that would prove his divinity.”

Jesus accomplished exactly what he came for, and in a single moment, humanity suffered its greatest loss and received its biggest win. Jesus’ death was not his defeat but the defeat of our sin.

That’s the only reason why the darkest day in history can still be called “Good Friday.” And it’s the reason why in our own darkest moments, we can still choose to lift our eyes to the cross, to Jesus, and to the promise of Easter. We can remember that on Good Friday, Jesus’ death gave us victory.

Think of a period of darkness in your own life, when things felt hopeless. 

How did God remain faithful? How did you see his power? 

Maybe you’re in the midst of a dark moment now. What are some ways you can cling to the hope and power of the cross of Christ?

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