Locations & Times

Kids - God Is My Friend

The Sneaky Snake - Week 3

June 27-28, 2020 |

Preschoolers will hear the story of Adam and Eve and the first sin. In this 3-week series they will learn that God loves us so much and he is our friend; even when we disobey him.



“I have called you friends,” John 15:15.

Story activity

Adam and Eve start their lives by making the best friend ever, God! They all did some amazing things together. Now you can gather your friends and family and do some amazing stuff too. Follow this activity sheet to see how you can learn more about how God became a friend to Adam, Eve, and all of us!

Check out this great song called "Jesus is My Friend Today!" It's a great reminder that God still wants to be our friend always, no matter what!


What did Eve do in our story today? (She ate from the tree God told her not to.)

Even though Adam and Eve didn’t listen to God was he still their friend? (yes)

Who did God promise to send to save the world? (Jesus)


Q. What animal tricked Adam and Eve?

A. A snake

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