Locations & Times

Kids - Easter with Mac & Cheez

Walking on Water (Elementary) - Week 2

March 20-21, 2021 |

This four-week video series leading up to Easter will look at stories of Jesus through the lens of Peter. Kids will learn about what it means to be a disciple, and how they can follow Jesus.

Friend around the world: Urban Mosaic - https://urbanmosaic.net/
email your questions, story activities, photos and videos to Brenna and Dillon:

Bible verse

Story activity - SMALL GROUPS @ HOME!


  1. What would you have thought if you saw Jesus walking on water? (Take responses.)
  2. When Peter went out on the water to Jesus, when did he start to drown? (when he looked away from Jesus)
  3. What did Jesus say to Peter when he rescued him, and why do you think he said that? (“Your faith is so small, why did you doubt me?” Jesus wanted Peter to trust him.)
  4. Do you think we can trust Jesus? (Discuss)


Q. What impossible thing did Peter do?
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