Locations & Times

What The Flock?

I Need A Good Shepherd | Week 1

March 19, 2023 | By Jim Burgen

What would your life look like if you had someone who wanted you to experience a fulfilling life? In today's message, Jim explains that we all need a leader who can guide us through difficult times and restore our souls and that Jesus can be that leader. Jesus compares himself to a good shepherd who knows his sheep by name and lays down his life for them.


I Thank God By Maverick City Music, Available on "Move Your Heart" from Tribl Records

Take You At Your Word By Cody Carnes & Benjamin William, Available on “God Is Good! (Live) from Cody Carnes

Living Hope By Phil Wickham, Available on "Living Hope" from Phil Wickham

Nothing Else By Flatirons Worship


// Bible References
 Psalm 23:1-4, John 10:1-18

// Community Question
What does a good leader look like? If we had to choose to follow someone, what would we want in a leader so we could trust/follow them? What about in our lives? Do we need a leader/guide/shepherd, to help navigate our life? Why or why not?

// Discussion Questions…. Jesus makes a case for letting Him be our Life Shepherd.

  1. Read Psalms 23:1 This passage says that the Lord is “our” Shepherd, and He will supply everything we need. Do you believe this to be true? Why or why not? If you do, share an experience where God provided for you or someone you know.
  2. Read Psalms 23:2 David says in this passage that the Lord slows him down, so he doesn’t live his life exhausted chasing after things that won’t satisfy. Does this appeal to us? Why or why not?
  3. Read Psalms 23:3 This could be translated “He gives me back my life and is famous for leading me in the right path.” When I wonder off the right path and fall into a hole, he finds me, rescues me, and gives me back my “I should be dead by now” life. Why is this significant? What does this promise show us about the character of God? Specifically, His grace and love for us?
  4. Read Psalms 23:4 Describe a time in your life when something you had secured and made provision for was rocked and taken from you. Something that you didn’t have a vote on. David described his incident as “walking though the valley of the shadow of death”. David further says God used a rod (to protect) and a staff (to guide) him through it. Why would David need this type of guidance? Why would we need this type of guidance?
  5. Read John 10:1-18 In this passage Jesus compares Himself to the good shepherd. What characteristics make Him the Good Shepherd? Does this perspective make it easier to trust or follow Jesus? Why or why not?

// Challenge: How might our life look different if we followed a leader/shepherd who wants us to experience a full, meaningful, overflowing, and abundant life?

Other Messages in this Series