Locations & Times


The Helper | Week 1

April 7, 2024 | By Jim Burgen

What does it mean to continue growing in faith, especially after significant spiritual milestones like baptism? This week marks the beginning of an 8-week series Calle "Alive" where we'll tackles the question of how to continue your faith journey and the "tools you'll need. This week Jim will examine the challenges both new and seasoned believers face in feeling lost or stagnant in their faith journey. Central to the series is Jesus' post-resurrection life, emphasizing His instructions about the Holy Spirit’s empowering role and the global spread of His message. It draws parallels with the survival show 'Alone,' using it as a metaphor to equip believers with spiritual strategies for a thriving faith journey, centered around vision, intent, and strategy.


"We Praise You" Available on "Revival's In The Air" from Bethel Music

"Rest On Us" Song by Maverick City Music and Upperroom

"I Speak Jesus" Song by Charity Gayle

"Holy ForeverSong by Brian Johnson, Chris Tomlin, and Jenn Johnson



Jim Burgen

April 7th, 2024

// Bible References
 Acts 1:4-11, 2:1-6,8-11, 36-38; John 10:10

// Community Question Describe what type of camper you are…i.e., A) I like my camping with room service,

  1. B) As long as I can drive to a spot then I don’t mind roughing it, or C) “Survivor” is for amateurs.

// Discussion Questions

  1. Like using a compass for directions, why is it important to have vision, intent, and strategy in your relationship with Jesus? What's your personal vision for your life with Jesus, and how can you use strategic steps, like following a compass, to navigate and achieve that vision?"
  2. Read Acts 1:4-11. Consider how Jesus instructed his disciples to wait for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. How did this event equip the disciples for their mission to spread the Gospel? Reflect on how you can be more open to the Holy Spirit's guidance in your own life to better serve as a witness for Jesus?
  3. Jim emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, as it is the Holy Spirit who empowers and transforms us from the inside out. How is the role of the Holy Spirit significant in a believer's faith journey? In which areas of your own life do you feel a need for the Holy Spirit's guidance and empowerment?
  4. After reading Acts 2:8-11, consider the miracle of each person hearing the gospel in their native tongue (which contrasts with the dispersal of languages at the Tower of Babel). What does this miracle demonstrate about God's love for the world and His desire to gather all nations? Reflect on how we can reflect God's love by impacting the world.
  5. What are some common challenges believers face in their faith journey, especially when feeling stuck or lost? How do you anticipate the 'Alive' series, with its focus on introducing spiritual survival disciplines, help believers thrive in overcoming these challenges?


// Challenge: Group Leader, could you share openly where you currently see yourself in your faith journey? Are you feeling like you're just starting out, or are you in a good place spiritually? Alternatively, are there areas where you feel stuck or uncertain?

Next, invite each member to reflect and share briefly about where they are in their faith journey right now. What aspects of your walk with God are you navigating? Lastly, take a moment to lift up each other in prayer— what specific requests or areas of support do you have for this week in your faith journey?

Other Messages in this Series