Locations & Times


Watch Out for Outlaws | Week 4

February 25, 2024 | By Jim Burgen

In the final message of our "Branded" series, we explore the crucial role of money in demonstrating our faith and trust in Jesus. Just as a brand signifies ownership in cattle, our financial stewardship marks us as followers of Christ. Today's focus is on the fourth principle, "Watch Out For Outlaws," highlighting the need to guard against anything that may compromise our financial integrity and faith journey. Drawing parallels between the dangers in the wild west and the financial temptations of today, we dive into the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20, reinterpreting them as guidelines for financial wisdom. These commandments are not conditions for God's love but confirmations of it, guiding us to live lives of gratitude, worship, and wise stewardship. By aligning our financial practices with these biblical principles, we can navigate our 'new land' of financial responsibility and avoid the pitfalls that threaten our spiritual and financial well-being.


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Watch Out for Outlaws

Jim Burgen

February 25th, 2024

// Bible References
Ex 20:3,4-5,7-8,12-17; Matt 6:24, Eph 6:4; Luke 28:28-30; Col 3:5-6

// Community Question: Describe your favorite outlaw in television and movies, what makes them an outlaw?

// Discussion Questions

  1. Read Ex: 20:3-5 Jim discussed the importance of returning the first 10% of income as a tithe and not worshiping material things. In what ways do we look to material things to provide only what God can?
  2. Read Ex 20:8 Jim stressed the importance of managing our resources wisely. How does this tie into honoring the fourth commandment? Reflect on areas where you find it challenging to be a good steward of your time and money. What steps can you take to enhance stewardship in those areas?
  3. Read Ex 20:12 Jim mentioned the fifth commandment's significance in shaping children's faith and trust in God. Are there any practical examples or activities you can share with your children/grandchildren to help them understand the value of trusting God with their finances?
  4. Read Ex 20:14-16 Jim cautioned against living beyond one's means. How can living below our means and avoiding borrowing money decrease our overall stress and anxiety? What steps can you take to become more content with what you have and avoid being enslaved by consumerism and debt?


  1. Read Ex 20:17 The tenth commandment urges believers not to covet what others have. How do we resist comparing ourselves to others and instead cultivate gratitude for what God has given us? Share practical ways you've found contentment. Plus, how can we support each other in staying accountable to this?

 // Challenge:
As we conclude our series on biblical generosity, let's take a moment for self-reflection. On a scale of 1 to 10, (with 1 being 'Stealing from God' and 10 being 'Giving back to God and others over the tithe’), where would you currently place yourself in terms of biblical generosity? Next, share with the group one or two steps you can take to increase this rating (by just a point or two this spring). Need some inspiration? Check out the Dare to Live Generously resource page for ideas: (www.flatironschurch.com/sermon/dare-to-live-generously/)

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