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Do You Want To Get Well?

October 24, 2021 | By Ben Foote

Ben asks, “Does anybody want to win this thing?” Do we want to win at dating? Relationships? Marriage? Sexuality? Parenting? Our careers? Following Jesus? Our actions are saying that we’ve already given up, but Jesus wants us healed and whole.


  1. "Faith Rising Up” by Flatirons Music
  2. "Whole Heart (Hold Me Now)" by Hillsong UNITED
    Available on “As You Find Me (Live) – Single” from Hillsong Church
  3. "God Of Revival" by Bethel Music
    Available on "Revivals In The Air” from Bethel Music
  4. “Good Grace” by Hillsong UNITED
    Available on “People (Live)” by Hillsong UNITED


  1. As a group, read John 5:1-9. What stands out as interesting to you?
  2. The pagan belief about healing at the pools turned healing into a competition, and a reward only available to some. How does this compare to how Jesus offered healing?
  3. Ben shared that the disabled man blamed someone else for his predicament (verse 7). This is a common response to our problems (Adam also blamed Eve for his mess in Genesis 3:12, and Sarai blamed Abram for hers in Genesis 16:5). What is the impact, on us and others, when we choose to play the “blame-game”?
  4. “Playing to win” takes focus, self-discipline and training. Think of an area in your life that you’d like to win (relationships, work, healing etc). What might that area look like if you gave it one year of focus, self-discipline and training?
  5. Imagine for a moment that God is asking you that very question: “Do you want to get well?” What does this tell you about His posture towards you?
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