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Jesus Makes Life Easy | Week 3

June 18, 2023 | By Ben Chavez

Believing in Jesus doesn't mean life gets easier or that difficulties don't happen. So how are we supposed to experience contentment in the middle of our hardship? In this message, our College Pastor, Ben Chavez, shares vulnerably what God has been teaching him and his family through infertility, faith, and practicing contentment.



Praise Available on "Can You Imagine?" from Elevation Worship

Battle Belongs Available on “Hymn Of Heaven” from Phil Wickham

Reign Above It All Available on "Revival's In The Air (LIVE)" from Bethel Music & Paul McClure

Jireh Available on "Old Church Basement" from Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music

Jesus Makes Life Easy

Ben Chavez

June 18th, 2023

// Community Question: If you could choose one superpower to help you navigate the ups and downs of life, what would it be and why?


// Discussion Questions


  1. How can we find contentment in both the blessings and challenges that life brings, knowing that God is with us in every season?
  2. What are some practical ways we can cultivate a heart of gratitude and contentment, even when facing difficult circumstances?
  3. How does our trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness impact our ability to find contentment in all circumstances?


  1. Are there any areas of our lives where we struggle to find contentment? How can we surrender those areas to God and find peace in His plans for us?


  1. What biblical examples or teachings can we draw upon to find encouragement and inspiration in finding contentment amidst the ups and downs in life?

// Challenge: This week, take intentional moments each day to reflect on and express gratitude for both the good and challenging aspects of your life. Write down three things you are thankful for each day, focusing on specific moments or experiences that brought you joy or taught you valuable lessons. As you do, invite God into your gratitude practice, seeking his perspective and guidance in finding contentment.

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