Locations & Times

Cause & Effect

Play To Win - Week 2

February 26, 2023 | By Ben Foote

If we have faith, then, how are we supposed to live? This week Ben is inviting us to take a look at some of the tensions that come with taking this journey of faith.


Freedom By Kim Walker Smith Available on "Living With A Fire (Live)" From Kim Walker Smith 

There's Nothing Our God Can't Do By Passion Available on "There's Nothing Our God Can't Do (Live)" from Passion

Ain't No Grave By Bethal Music & Molly Skaggs Available on “Victory (Live)” by Bethel Music 2019 Bethel Music 

All Hail King Jesus By Bethel Music Available on “Victory (Live)” by Bethel Music 2019 Bethel Music


// Bible References

Matthew 25:14-29, Ephesians 2:8 James 2:17

// Community Question

Describe what playing to win and playing not to lose look like. What are the characteristics of someone/athlete/ the Broncos playing to win? What about “not to lose”?

// Discussion Questions

1. What does “playing to win” and “playing not to lose” look in our marriages, parenting, friendships, careers, etc.?

2. Read Matthew 25:14-15 In this passage, Jesus is using an allegory of “talents” to describe the gifts and abilities He has given us. It points out that talents are given to us by God, highly valuable, and not distributed equally. Does this feel fair? Why or why not?

3. Read Matthew 25:16-25 In this passage, it is inferred that the man with one talent buried/did nothing with it because he was bitter and angry with his master, which came from comparing himself to his fellow servants who received more. Do we resonate with this servant? Why or why not?

4. Read Matthew 25:26-30 This passage reveals a stark warning to not play the comparison game and bury our talents. If God issues warnings for the good of His people, what is the danger God is trying to keep us from?

5. Read Matthew 25:15 God is asking us to play to win by utilizing the talents He has given us to the best of our ability and capability. Knowing that God will help us and hasn’t entrusted us with anything that we cannot fully engage in encourage us to do so? Why or why not?

// Challenge:

In what areas do we compare ourselves to others? What are those areas of our life that God is asking us to stop comparing this week? What areas of our life is God asking us to re-engage and “play to win?”

Other Messages in this Series